Colossyan API Documentation

Creating video

Creating video

Since rendering your video could take several minutes, the video generation is done with a job queue.

Whenever you would like to create a new video, you have to post a new video generation job. This job will be picked up by our workers, executed and then you will be notified about the result.

To see how exactly can you get notified and then retrieve your finished video, check out how to get your video.

Using the API

To post a video generation job, you should send an authenticated POST request to the following endpoint.

The content of the body should be a video generation job, describing the video you would like to be created.

const token = "2fd3b795-15d4-456f-9a33-33391d1cfcf0";
const url = "";
const job = {
/* ... */
const result = await fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
headers: { authorizationtoken: token },
body: JSON.stringify(job),
console.log(; // { id: "650c585a-c55c-468e-ab71-e73a405af5a7" }

You will get back the id of the job you just posted. Make note of this, since you can use it to poll the status of the video generation job.

Video generation job

A video generation job has the following properties:

videoCreative-YesVideoCreativeEverything describing how the video should look. See: video creative
dynamicVariables-NoobjectA simple object of your choice containing the dynamic variables to replace the tokens in the video creative
callback-NostringA url we will ping with a POST request once the video is generated
callbackPayload-NoobjectA simple object of your choice containing things to put into the callback function's body.
The url and shareUrl properties are reserved. See: callback

Video creative

The video creative consists of the followings:

scenes-YesScene[]The scenes the video consists of. See: scenes
settings-YesVideoSettingsThe settings of the video itself. See: video settings
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